
The Greatest Threat

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May 3, 2013 by seekevingo

I heard an awesome sermon this week at church and it stuck with me.

What do you think is the greatest threat to our society?

It is likely NOT your initial thought.

How about the threat of passivity?

When you get home after a long day at your “job,” what do you do? Probably whatever is easy. You’ve been challenged all day, so why would you want to continually push harder in your comfy, non-confrontational bubble? Thus, you slink into your comfiest chair, kick up the recliner and grab the remote. Sitting passively, you let the world decide what you should find enjoyable. After all, they are the experts.

Does that picture look familiar?

It does for me. Sometimes the stress and strain of the job can just suck all of the creativity right out of me. I have these plans filled with things to do or posts to write once I get home…yet how often do those actually see accomplishment. I talked of this in a previous post titled, ‘Watch out for poop!”

The challenge this week has been to fill my time with less passivity.

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Not all of my activities have been 100% outdoor related, they have each had their own sense of adventure. The fulfillment and sense of pride has been so pronounced with each night spent working. I wonder if some of the good vibes comes from accomplishing personal, not professional goals?

So after one week, here’s something intriguing I’ve learned.

When you spend less time in passivity you allow PASSION to overwhelm.

What feeling do you walk away with after spending time with someone who is passionate about what they do? It’s intoxicating! When your passion is overflowing what happens when you bump into people in your job or daily life? Your passion can’t help but stick to them.

How do you combat passivity? Tell me your stories in the comments. I can’t wait to read them!

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